About Us
Our Vision: A place where homeless or at risk artists can heal, create and share their art.
Our Mission: The Art on a Journey Gallery is a non-profit gallery of local artists who are currently unsheltered, have been affected by homelessness or are housing insecure and at risk of becoming homeless. Each artist is encouraged to express and share their journey through stunning creations of visual art or unique textiles, for example, that are available for purchase.
Our Values: Art on a Journey Gallery feels that, controversy isn’t about instigation, but rather, a way to arrest your audience. It’s a way to plant a little bit of desire in their hearts; a yearning to turn the page and learn more about your idea. Ultimately, it’s about creating memorable images.
Who We Are: When you browse the artwork of Art on a Journey artists, you quickly notice that each of the artists has their own unique style. Their styles are reflected in the way they transform a canvas or capture an image in a camera’s eye … the colors they choose, the objects they use to express themselves.
We hope you enjoy the artistry as much as we enjoy the artists’ presence.
"Art lights up peoples’ lives. It illuminates. It allows people to move toward their aspirations even if for a short time. It gives people a voice and acknowledges that they have been heard even when they are homeless. It points to my presence in the world when I’m invisible to people as they walk by.” — Rhea