Every Artwork You Buy Finds a Home


Brandy Horton



2017-2018 Paintings

Getting to Know: Brandy

Brandy “Brandywine” lives in Ann Arbor with her boyfriend and dog Bastion, a Basenji mix, rescue. (That’s a South African barkless dog that can live up to 16 years.)  Brandy has 2 children and is a survivor of domestic abuse which led to her becoming homeless for 3 years.

Brandy Is originally from the beautiful countrysides of Clinton, Iowa.  Growing up, Brandy visited Eagle Point Park where she ran along the Mississippi River and rock tower with her 7 siblings and family members during their family reunions. 

Brandy is currently working the front lines at McDonald’s and wants to be manager of her own McDonald’s.  Brandy’s ultimate goal is to have home ownership and if she can obtain a boat then she’d be in Heaven; especially if it was back home in Iowa. 

Brandy studies under Jane, the Art Director, at Miller Manor and is learning the tricks of different paint brush styles and how different paints apply on the canvas.  Although Brandy is new to art. (However, she won best artist in Hazel Park, MI). She is immensely enjoying the chance to create beautiful art and is eager to share her work with the world by finishing her quest of visiting all 50 states. Brandy is is well on her way to completing that task since she’s already visited 39 states in the U.S.A.

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