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Katie Menter's Catalog

Katie’s Catalog: The Mirthful Creations of Katie

(Click on an image to purchase it.)

 "Heart" 004-2020

"Heart" 004-2020

"Sun Mandela" 009-2020

"Sun Mandela" 009-2020

"Purple" 002-2020

"Purple" 002-2020

 “PTSD & My Ex” 003-2020

“PTSD & My Ex” 003-2020

 "Random Collage" 008-2020

"Random Collage" 008-2020



“Red Planet” 010-2020

“Red Planet” 010-2020

"Purple Planet" 016-2020

"Purple Planet" 016-2020

"Waterfall" 020-2020

"Waterfall" 020-2020

"Owl" 012-2020

"Owl" 012-2020

"Seahorse" 006-2020

"Seahorse" 006-2020

"Heaven's Gates" 019-2020

"Heaven's Gates" 019-2020

"Told of A Silver Lining" 017-2020

"Told of A Silver Lining" 017-2020

"Free to Love"014-2020

"Free to Love"014-2020
