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Gallery News

What is Art on a Journey Gallery and Homeless Ministries?

Welcome and thank you contributors,artists, friends, family and customers for coming to Ann Arbor, Michigan’s Art on a Journey Gallery. We are located, about 10 mins from University of Michigan, at 1900 Manchester Rd. in the lower lever of the Journey of Faith Christian Church. We are a non-profit gallery that is a part of the Homeless Ministries of Journey of Faith Christian Church.

What are the Homeless Ministries?

One  of the most significant ministries at Journey of Faith Church is a partnership to provide care with and leadership by homeless community members. The focus is on homeless prevention, outreach, and supporting those recently affected by homelessness or formerly homeless. Services include:

  • Art on a Journey Gallery — an online gallery to sell artwork created by the homeless or former homeless community members

  • Clothing Closet (clothing for men, women and children, including sweaters and coats)

  • School Backpack Drive for homeless children

  • Soaps and Suds (laundry and shower facility)

  • Food Pantry (currently providing individual bags of food during the COVID-19 Pandemic every Friday @ 2:30pm-4:30pm)

  • Christmas Store (shopping for free Christmas presents)

  • Cold Weather Care Kits (typically containing knit hat, knit gloves, hand and/or foot warmers. soap, shampoo, conditioner, comb, hand sanitizer, 1 individual serving food items, female products)

  • Daytime Warming Center for two weeks in March and December

  • Emergency assistance, on a limited basis, for rent, prescriptions or utility payments

More information can be found here.

Almost all the staff and artists have experienced homelessness.

Special thanks to Journey of Faith contributors whose generous donations made this online gallery available. Thank you for your support!

If you wish to donate or contribute go here and select “Serve the Homeless.”

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