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Gallery News

Welcome to the soft roll out

Welcome to the soft roll out of the Art on a Journey Gallery.

Artists and contributors thank you for your patience. Please let me know if there are any problems while navigating the website. (After awhile pages kind of bleed together.)

There has been some crazy world-wide events going on and it has made it difficult to meet up with artists and swap stories and art. So there will be more artists to come as soon as the world is no longer experiencing a viral pandemic, or it is safe for the health/immune impaired to run amuck. When that time is upon us, we plan to have our gallery for our 1 year anniversary or 18 month+; it really depends on when the governor opens up Michigan to have more than 10 people in a room.

This website is a work in progress and will be changing week to week or so. It depends on if I receive materials or create some myself. I hope you like it and enjoy the art from your local gallery.

Thank you for coming! —Ria

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